Panorama Demos using PangeaVR
March 10, 2005 PangeaVR format adds a new panning pleasure to QuickTime VR.


You must try this new pano viewer from Brian Greenstone. This is a mindblower. For Mac only, so far.

The viewer is based on openGL, renders 20-30x faster than QuickTime- so you see no jitters!

This is smoooooth. - and no size limit. The rendering size is automatically adjusted according to your VRAM capacity- .

  Please go to this site to obtain the plugin. It's free and about 250k download size. You must do this to experience the new power of VR. Unfortunately, it is only available for Mac at this date.

Panoramas on this page are cubic with a cube face size of either 1024 or 2048px. If your graphics card has 64M of VRAM, you will be able to view the 2048px panoramas at maximum resolution if the viewer is set to hardware texture compression="true". In all of these examples I have set compression="true" in the html. This adds about 7-15 seconds of download time.

March 21, 2005 Note: If you install pangeaVR version 1.1 or later you will be able to set your viewing preferences by clicking on the check mark (√) on the pangeaVR menu. For example you may turn compression off.
April 17, 2005 Please go and install version 2.1. You will be able to view all up-to-date pangeaVR content, including direct viewing of spherical VRs from equirectangular .jpg files.
cube face=1024px
compression="true" *
cube face 2048px
compression="true" *

CNTower, Toronto- plus Downtown Toronto tower1024 tower2048 (3.1 Meg)
Pomegranate antique shop, North Hatley, Qc. shop1024 shop 2048 (3.9 meg)
Hockey Hall of Fame (New!) hall of fame 1800x3600  
Manoir Hovey, North Hatley, Qc.
The Pomegranate -in the Barn
Neville's Nursery, Lennoxville, Qc.

*You may turn compression off by setting the preferences (√) in your pangeaVR viewer.

  Enjoy your Mac!
  David Gibson, ETPanorama


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